April-June 2002

Volume 14, Number 2




Sin, Dukkha and Thermodynamics:
A New Age Convergence

Robert Arias

What does original sin have to do with dukkha, the Buddhist principle often translated as suffering, but which means so much more? What do both have to do with the Second Law of Thermodynamics? Robert Arias, a research neurophysiologist by vocation and explorer of the mystical experience by avocation offers an amazing premise. What if all are but alternate ways of expressing the same underlying reality?

The Letters Library

Our Readers Speak

Stimulated is a diverse response to the question Catherine Groves posed in our last issue: "have your beliefs shifted?" in the aftermath of September 11th. And revisited is a vital topic of dialog concerning the validity of the idea that the world is "perfect just as it is." Letters contained in our upcoming issue should prove to be dynamic and continued sources of thought in issues to come.

A Time of Walking in the Wilderness

Bill Douglas

Bill Douglas is an author new to C*NAQ. Yet some of our readers may already be acquainted with his work, perhaps through his bestselling title, The Complete Idiot's Guide to T'ai Chi & Qigong. What a pleasure Christian* New Age Quarterly has in offering "A Time of Walking in the Wilderness," Bill's deep and poignant reflection on a particularly painful, yet transformative period in his life.

A Pensive Pause

Dead is Dead ... Or Isn't It?

John W. Groff, Jr.

The message of Easter, if we are to take it in deeply, reels against what the mind sees and thinks. Just in time for Easter, Father John W. Groff, Jr., looks at the Gospel of John 21:1-14 and asks if our conventional knowledge — like, dead is dead — truly reflects reality.

A Peek Between the Covers

Mark Pitstick

Dr. Mark R. Pitstick takes a look at An Open Life: Joseph Campbell in Conversation with Michael Toms, edited by John M. Maher and Dennie Briggs. This review gives C*NAQ readers a marvelous sampling of Campbell's insight into pertinent topics to Christian-New Age dialog. Too, it shares a wonderful reflection on Campbell's overall wisdom. Pitstick's critique is great reading which could very well pique our readers' interest in pursuing the study of An Open Life for themselves.

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