April-June 1999

Volume 11, Number 2




The Editor Eyes History

Catherine Groves Our editor takes a look at a popular, though erroneous statement about early Christian history and ponders: "how, contrary to ample, well-established research, a rather naive error ... is mistaken for historical fact — and then snowballs into such credibility that it is frequently cited, its accuracy taken for granted."

Enlightenment and Entertainment

Robert M. Price What has entertainment got to do with enlightenment? Dr. Robert M. Price knits them together in a reflective essay on the Thusness of things.

A Peek Between the Covers

Darla Sims Darla Sims critiques Hidden Stories of the Childhood of Jesus by Glenn Kimball.

A Pensive Pause

As We Need, So  He Appears:
The Risen Christ

John W. Groff, Jr. As our thoughts turn to Easter, Father John W. Groff, Jr. offers a homily, shared now with C*NAQ readers as it once was at St. Mary's, the congregation where Father Groff served for many fond years.

The Letters Library

Our "New Age Views" Book Reviewer, Darla Sims, announces her forthcoming resignation, due to a time crunch in her personal schedule.

Well, we took it on the chin! Readers criticized Robert M. Price's "Moon Over Manhattan" (see C*NAQ, January-March 1999) for leaving unaddressed Reverend Sun Myung Moon's questionable financial practices and extremist right-wing political affiliations. Clearly, Price intended to examine Moon as a religious leader, not as a political animal. Still, should you be among those readers interested in a more political analysis of Reverend Moon, you might want to check out "The Dark Side of Rev. Moon" on The Consortium's web site at <http://www.delve.com/consort/archive/moon.html>.    



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