October-December 2000

Volume 12, Number 4




The Point of Unity ~
Healing Dualism

Simeon Nartoomid

Most C*NAQ readers are familiar with the concept of duality. But what is the basis of dualistic consciousness? Is there a practical way to foster a perspective of unity? In "The Point of Unity — Healing Dualism," the Reverend Simeon Nartoomid, an author new to C*NAQ, takes a look at this topic and shares a technique he developed to realize the unity underlying any given situation.

A Pensive Pause

Teachings ... and Teachers 

John W. Groff, Jr.

Father John W. Groff, Jr. reflects upon the intentional spiritual teachers he has had in his life and turns his attention to a wholly other category of spiritual teacher: everyone whose life touches his own.

What Born Again Means to Me

Stephen Hawley Martin

Stephen Hawley Martin considers himself a Christian. His Christian friends view him as a New Ager. In this essay, Martin, an author new to C*NAQ readers, shares his understanding of the "shift in consciousness" that the teachings of Jesus require — a uniquely Christian New Age vantage.

Through the Editor's Eyes

I've Got to Get Out of My Way!

Catherine Groves

Examining a sense of self, common to many, which does not feel "enough" to meet daily challenges, Catherine Groves explores a prominent cultural message: "that inner peace, joy and freedom is all about changing one's thoughts and attitudes." Rejecting the notion that "more can lead to enough," Catherine points to self-acceptance, not change, as the means of getting a hindering self-image out of the way.

A Peek Between the Covers

L. David Moore

L. David Moore provides a most intriguing "Peek" at The Crucifixion: What Really Happened and Why. This title brings to the fore subjects pivotal to C*NAQ's dialog — for starters, one of the book's authors claims to be John Zebedee, a discarnate entity we might better know as John, Son of Thunder.

More Peeking Between the Covers

Kathleen O'Mara

Who better than Kathleen O'Mara, who runs The Herb Network, to review Patricia Telesco's The Herbal Arts? No reader interested in the benefits of herbs can afford to miss this outstanding critique.

The Letters Library


And more!

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