Spring 2023
(Our Previous Full Issue)

Volume 26, Number 1

Please visit "Explore C*NAQ Plus" to learn about Volume 26, Number 1+,
which was released in Summer 2023!




Going Round with the Ouroboros

Joe "Joe3" Smith

"What is an ouroboros? ... the meaning of the ouroboros is ... eternal return, the cycles of birth and death, unity, infinity and time, as well as the constant and seasonal processes of the natural world," writes Joe3 Smith. Drawing from a variety of reference books on symbols, Smith delights us with an abundance of information and imagery. Never again will readers look upon a snake swallowing its own tail in quite the same way.

Zarathustra Speaks

The Myth of the Voice of Jesus

Robert M. Price

Both Joachim Jeremias and Rudolf Bultmann were form-critics in modern New Testament scholarship in the 20th century. In this piece, Robert M. Price clarifies and contrasts their methodology. Jeremias sought to explore what the biblical writer meant to communicate to the audience of his day. Bultmann, however, widened the scope, attempting to also determine the worldview presupposed in the New Testament. For Jeremias, the historicity of Jesus was paramount, as he aimed to ground the authority of Christian teaching in both the historical Jesus and the Christ of faith. Bultmann, on the other hand, recognized that the Jesus of history has no ascertainable "personality." Bultmann believed there can be no question of the existence of a historical Jesus; the particulars of his life, however, are an entirely different matter. Hence, according to Price, who said what cannot make or break the authority of a statement. The authority rests, instead, on its sense of truth, in and of itself.

A Peek Between the Covers

Joanne Winetzki

Many of us on a spiritual journey are familiar with the works of Hugh Prather. In Gently Down this Dream: Notes on my Sudden Departure, Gayle Prather and the late Hugh Prather share more gems stemming from his much-loved wisdom.

A Disconcerting Look ... Through the Editor's Eyes

Catherine Groves

Catherine Groves has been baffled by the abrupt disappearance of steadfast friends of C*NAQ who have many issues left on their subscriptions and had been regular correspondents up until their sudden silence. Groves usually learns of this when the Post Office returns an envelope stamped "unable to forward." How can she find out what has happened? Are these folks ill or have they passed on? If anyone can suggest a way other than googling to learn more about them, Groves would appreciate the advice.

A Pensive Pause

Acceptance: Passive Expression or Dynamic Action?

Joanne Winetzki

After Joanne Winetzki's recent fall, which required a good while in the hospital and in rehabilitation, frustration set in. But then she realized that by accepting the situation, she could make of it whatever she wanted. That enabled her to "create an upbeat, productive, rewarding experience for everyone involved."

The Letters Library

C*NAQ readers speak out

This time we hear from N. Michel Landaiche III, Rosalyn Becker and Wendell E. Wilkinson.


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