Winter 2016
Volume 22, Number 4+




Through the Editor's Eyes

Sounding the

Catherine Groves

"Humans seem to be natural storytellers, as if we are hardwired to shape and be shaped by our words," writes Catherine Groves. After probing the range and depth of myth — and how our myths are, at essence, the embodiment of an ineffable sense of meaning — Groves offers a thought-experiment: "the possibility that the stories we tell about ourselves are far more self-defining than the life we do, in fact, lead."

Gasping in the Canyon

Robert Arias

Our featured reprint for this C*NAQ Plus was originally published in our July-September 2004 issue. "Gasping in the Canyon" is the natural, delightful followup to Rob Arias' "Thirsting in the Vortex," which appeared in the Spring 2016 C*NAQ Plus. The author's "foolish" descent into the Grand Canyon and ascent back to the rim provides the backdrop for exploring the significance of suffering to the process of spiritual growth.

The Letters Library

C*NAQ readers speak out

N. Michel Landaiche, III, and Wendell E. Wilkinson reflect upon Dr. Robert M. Price's "Proto-Mark: A Conjectural Reconstruction," which was published in the Summer/Autumn 2016 issue of Christian*New Age Quarterly. Landaiche writes, "I still can't believe this passage of [Jesus'] crucifixion, at the end, brought tears to my eyes, as much for humanity as for Jesus; I could not believe that this well-worn tale could be brought so vividly to life again.... Price's reconstruction [of the earliest Gospel of Mark] is an extraordinary gift."


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